Friday, April 17, 2015

Marvel Universe Live

I'd heard some negative reviews, but my brother got tickets for my birthday, so we went to see Marvel Universe Live. I'm not sure why people didn't love it, because I thought it was great. But, best of all, was that they included my favorite superhero, which made it awesome.

Captain Marvel is an Avenger, but hasn't been seen yet in the movie franchise. She is coming, though. Her alter-ego is Carol Danvers, and Marvel has announced she will have a stand alone movie in 2018. She's a pilot, but she can fly without the aid of a plane, too. I definitely recommend reading the Captain Marvel series. Especially if you want to have an idea of where Marvel Phase Three will be taking us. I got to meet the author of the Captain Marvel comics, Kelly Sue DeConnick, at the Avengers 5K. It was so awesome. So, Marvel Universe Live was great. So great to see female superheroes. Just wish they'd have sold some Captain Marvel and Black Widow souvenirs!

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