Saturday, April 11, 2015


Sometimes you look at a person and you know that you are meant to be friends. Something just clicks. This happened to me with the majority of my close friends. One, was on his knees in a bowling alley, he was my height, and then he stood up. From that moment on, we were friends. Another time, I was roller skating up and down my block, and I saw a girl in a window, then I skated past again and she had changed. They turned out to be twins.

The other day, I saw a female and I knew we would be really good friends...if we ever met. She was driving the car in front of me at a drive thru. From the stickers on her car, I know that we have a lot in common.

We are both Disneyland Annual Passholders, members at the San Diego Zoo, and geek girls. (She had a Darth Vader antenna ball.) I'm pretty sure she's from San Diego, based upon the fact that she went to both a local junior college and a local university. Our cars are similar, though hers is blue, which is the color I wish mine was.

Basically, we could be best friends, we've just never been introduced. It made me think about the fact that there are so many people out there that I've missed meeting by the fact that we were separated by cars or walls or language barriers.

Yikes! It's almost midnight, which means I almost missed the deadline today!

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