Of course, that was partly because the first mile was almost entirely downhill. And, the downside of running the first mile, was the running out of energy for the next two. I definitely need to work on evening out my pace.
This was a pretty fun run, and you could see the beach for most of it. But, they only give medals for the half marathon. I know a 5K doesn't seem impressive to marathoners, but for some people, a 5K might as well be. I think you should get something for finishing any organized race, regardless of the distance.
In the end, I PRd and had fun, but now I'm icing my knees and slathering them in Tiger Balm.
4/1/15 4/6/15 4/11/15 4/16/15 4/21/15 4/26/15
4/2/15 4/7/15 4/12/15 4/17/15 4/22/15 4/27/15
4/3/15 4/8/15 4/13/15 4/18/15 4/23/15 4/28/15
4/4/15 4/9/15 4/14/15 4/19/15 4/24/15 4/29/15
4/5/15 4/10/15 4/15/15 4/20/15 4/25/15 4/30/15
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