Sunday, April 26, 2015

La Jolla Shores 5K

Today, I did the La Jolla Shores 5K. It started off with my fastest mile time as an adult. I ran for over ten minutes straight, which is totally a record for me.

Of course, that was partly because the first mile was almost entirely downhill. And, the downside of running the first mile, was the running out of energy for the next two. I definitely need to work on evening out my pace.

This was a pretty fun run, and you could see the beach for most of it. But, they only give medals for the half marathon. I know a 5K doesn't seem impressive to marathoners, but for some people, a 5K might as well be. I think you should get something for finishing any organized race, regardless of the distance.

In the end, I PRd and had fun, but now I'm icing my knees and slathering them in Tiger Balm.

BEDA Tracker:
4/1/15    4/6/15   4/11/15   4/16/15   4/21/15   4/26/15
4/2/15    4/7/15   4/12/15   4/17/15   4/22/15   4/27/15
4/3/15    4/8/15   4/13/15   4/18/15   4/23/15   4/28/15
4/4/15    4/9/15   4/14/15   4/19/15   4/24/15   4/29/15
4/5/15   4/10/15  4/15/15   4/20/15   4/25/15   4/30/15

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