Monday, April 13, 2015

A Happy Day

Today was my birthday. When I got to work this morning, some of my co-workers had decorated my desk. Pretty nice, considering I'm still a temp. After work, my family and I went to dinner at Red Robin, which is one of my favorites. I also got some pretty great gifts. Throughout the day, I got messages from my Facebook friends. I got over 100, which is kind of astounding to me. I really felt the love today. 

Last night I made the mistake of updating my operating system to the newest version, so now my phone is having trouble with its battery life and gave me a weird message about not being able to text. So fun. I should have googled the reviews before updating. But, I'm hoping it will hold out until they come up with a patch or the next version. Even better, maybe the fact that so many people are having problems will encourage them to release a patch faster. Now that I'm the owner of a new FitBit, I really need my phone to work properly.

Today was pretty busy, so I didn't really have enough time to come up with a blog post.

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