Friday, April 24, 2015

Game Night

Tonight I'm at a game night, so I don't have time to blog. But, my friend has this pinball machine at her house and I just spent a lot of game time playing pinball. Because, yes! Also, I swear I remember this game from when I was a kid. That robot looks so familiar!

BEDA Tracker:
4/1/15    4/6/15   4/11/15   4/16/15   4/21/15   4/26/15
4/2/15    4/7/15   4/12/15   4/17/15   4/22/15   4/27/15
4/3/15    4/8/15   4/13/15   4/18/15   4/23/15   4/28/15
4/4/15    4/9/15   4/14/15   4/19/15   4/24/15   4/29/15
4/5/15   4/10/15  4/15/15   4/20/15   4/25/15   4/30/15

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