BEDA means Blog Every Day in April. And, this afternoon I decided I was going to participate. So, here I am, with no preparation, writing a blog with an hour left in the first day. Seems like a good plan.
As this is the beginning of the challenge, I suppose it is appropriate to post my goals for the month. For some reason, they seem to be lofty and plentiful.
Goal 1 - Complete BEDA. I used to LiveJournal (that's right, LJ was my jam back in the day), so completing BEDA shouldn't be too hard...right?
Goal 2 - Knit and/or Crochet at least two projects that I actually care about. I've been in a bit of a slump lately, so this goal may be harder than it would have been in the past.
Goal 3 - The Piles.
These are The Piles. The one on the left is the pile of books I have started reading (or re-reading), but haven't finished. The one on the right is the pile of books I bought, but haven't read yet. Okay, technically that's just a couple of the books I own but haven't read yet. My big goal is to read them all, but for April, I'm just looking to finish one from each pile.
Goal 4 - I also decided today that I was going to participate in a 30-day Walk challenge. I figured it would be helpful because I'm training for a runDisney 10K. I did 2 miles tonight, so I'm on my way on that one.
So, those are my goals. And, it's almost midnight, so I need to get this posted.
BEDA Tracker:
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