So, rather than being able to combine my hobbies, I'm forced to choose between them. I started a new shawl yesterday that I really want to work on, but I also need/want to finish one of the books from my second pile for my April challenge. Luckily, running today is out of the question, because my legs are, like, rebelling against my run from yesterday.
Speaking of my run yesterday, I saw my results on their board, and I was simultaneously proud and discouraged. It was a PR, so that made me proud. Then I sawy standings among my peers and among the rest of the runners, and I was kind of big-time discouraged. Because, I'm pretty far down on the list. People say I shouldn't compare myself to others, but, if I shouldn't, why do they show you all the comparisons? Sigh.
At any rate, my decision tonight was to read. And then I fell asleep on the couch, so apparently I was really tired.
4/1/15 4/6/15 4/11/15 4/16/15 4/21/15 4/26/15
4/2/15 4/7/15 4/12/15 4/17/15 4/22/15 4/27/15
4/3/15 4/8/15 4/13/15 4/18/15 4/23/15 4/28/15
4/4/15 4/9/15 4/14/15 4/19/15 4/24/15 4/29/15
4/5/15 4/10/15 4/15/15 4/20/15 4/25/15 4/30/15
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